Shine Bright
Well, what a whirlwind of a semester that was.
It's been a whirlwind of a year, actually; One that I'm very much looking forward to turning a page on. Don't get me wrong - 2016 had its ups (new faces & places, new challenges to surpass). But when times got low, they were really low. Let's just say, forgiveness has never been my best virtue.
Overall, though, I've learned a lot about myself this year - mostly that I'm more capable than I thought. If you'd told me 365 days ago that pretty soon I'd be traveling to foreign countries, scoring not one, but two internships, and making it through my first semester of clinical with *only* bi-weekly mental breakdowns... I'd have thought YOU were crazy. The people & lessons that I've picked up along the way are the ones I plan on carrying with me into 2017 - the ones who I know are rooting me on, who are in it for the long haul...
But, enough reflecting.
Everyone knows that the easiest way to start the new year on a positive note is to look dang good while doing it. I pretty much spend all year planning out the proper NYE outfit - something that says: "I'm jaded, but hoping to be proven wrong" or "I spent three hours making this look like I threw it together last minute" or maybe even "My day job is wiping butts but come nightfall I'm an old-Hollywood starlet"... IDK, something like that.
Thankfully, Reformation has collaborated with badass girl group Haim for their latest NYE collection. It's my current source of inspiration in outfit-planning - and I'd order everything if it meant I'd have a shot at honorary band member-status. Sparkles, velvet, leather jackets, and unexpected silhouettes are how I envision everyone dressed come Dec. 31st. Effortlessly cool.
Check it outtttt:

... Honey, I'm not your honey-pie.
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