Summer Slow Down

If you've been following along on my Instagram this summer, it's been an interesting one, to say the least. Looking back, between family trips, music festivals, road races, long drives, beach days and well, all 10 seasons of Friends on Netflix, I accomplished more than it felt like I was doing at the time. That's the thing with these three, four month stretches of falling into a routine--be it seasonal, geographical, work or school-related--it's easy to watch the days pass by and forget to appreciate them while they're happening. 

I still have a few things I would like to check off before I pack up my life and head back to start a new Fall semester:

Swim in a waterfall

Go to a drive-in movie

Wander through a museum

Find a new hiking spot

Shop the local Farmer's Market

So as the inevitable Summer Slow Down approaches, keep your eyes--and your imagination--open to last-minute adventures. Look ahead to the coming months, but don't leave anything behind.

Photos via Pinterest & Tumblr 


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